In other news New Investigator!!!!! Gabriel is awesome and loves God and wants to know more so keep him in your prayers! He even came to church with us this Sunday!
So kinda got cut off on last weeks emailing so I am just going to continue the train of thought and hope it makes sense even though I have a week between the two...
Romans 12:21 Continued...
Last of all we are told that giving out is not an option either. To give out is to collapse under pressure, all three of these are very similar and all of them are ways the Adversary seeks to destroy our salvation.
that is how we are "not overcome of Evil"
Now we are instructed to "overcome evil with Good"
We do that as we become like Christ, as we treat others, no matter how they treat us, as he would.
Love you all and I wish you the best
Elder Bone
Omni 1:26
26 And now, my beloved brethre n, I would that ye shouldcome unto Christ, who is the Holy O ne of Israel, andpartake of hi s salvation, and the power of his redemption.Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole soul s as anoffering unto him, and continue in fasting and prayin g,and endure to the end; and a s the Lord liveth ye will besa ved.
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